Holistic Bio Spa Introduces our guest, patient, and friend: Julie Bunker, a 61-year-old woman who found the solution to her chronic digestive... read more
Author: Holistic Bio Spa
The trees have shed their leaves, the earth is cycling back from its farthest distance to the sun, and 2016 has just started. At a time when you... read more
We always deliver on our promises, so here are more secrets to sweet slumber from our holistic medicine center in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. After you... read more
In this post, we help you LEARN HOW TO SLEEP PROPERLY. Why take our word for it? We are a complete medical team in Puerto Vallarta helping people... read more
The truth is, at our Spa & Alternative Medicine Center in Puerto Vallarta, we focus on helping people heal themselves. Altruistically,... read more
The wise little green guy in Star Wars said it best, “pass on what you have learned”. Our Medical Center & Spa for alternative medicine in... read more