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Jake Ames, MD, HMD.

Note: this is a more technical explanation of our treatments.

This blog will discuss our theory that cancer is a nutritional inadequacy disease. By inadequacy we mean it may be a deficiency of nutrients needed for the body to adequately function. It could be an excess of damaging nutrients, such as excess carbohydrates. It could also be a digestive system poorly absorbing nutrients, or an immune system, which has not been adequately “fed” with its essential nutrients.

For decades physicians have followed the dead-end path thinking that cancer is a genetic disease. The theory is that carcinogens alter a cell’s DNA, and enough of these mutations will turn off cancer suppressor genes and turn on oncogenes to cause a malignancy. Standard cancer treatments are surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and now immunotherapy. None of the therapies actually addresses the causes of cancer. Surgery may extend one’s life in that it debulks the tumor. Very successful surgery can keep cancer away for decades; long enough for many people to die from something else. William Reich, M.D1. proved that cancer is a systemic disease, and no surgery has cured the nutritional inadequacies that caused cancer in the first place.

Another fact to consider is similar to Pasteur’s theory of germs and Béchamp’s terrain theory. In order to acquire an infection, we need to be both exposed to the germ, and for the body to be weak enough to not be able to resist the infection. The infection requires both an external germ and for the “terrain” to be weak. Similarly, we are all exposed to large amounts of cancer-causing chemicals, but we don’t all get cancer. A barbequed steak, for example, contains maybe a ¼ gram of carcinogens. A huge dose but we don’t all get cancer. Smokers are exposed to even higher doses, but they don’t all get lung cancer. Obviously, some peoples “terrain” is much more resistant than others.

Theory of how cancer arises and grows

This section is quite technical.

  1. Healthy cell metabolism producing lots of energy, carbon dioxide, and water. The cell goes through its life cycle then dies.
  2. Cancer cells ferment glucose and some cancer cells use glutamine producing little energy and lactate.
  3. It is important to limit glucose and glutamine in the diet, thereby “starving” the cancer cells. This is the basis of the Kwasniewski ketogenic diet.

A cancer cell has a different metabolism than a normal cell. Cancer cells metabolize glucose in a manner that is distinct from normal cells. Warburg found that unlike most normal cells, most cancer cells tend to ferment glucose into lactate even in the presence of sufficient oxygen to support mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Otto Warburg, M.D. won the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1931 for his work on cell respiration. The Warburg effect (aerobic fermentation of glucose) is a common metabolic malady expressed in nearly all malignant tumors. The Warburg effect is necessary to compensate for the insufficiency of cancer cells. Warburg later proposed that dysfunctional mitochondria are the root cause of aerobic glycolysis.

Cancer cells have a very inefficient metabolism making only 2 ATP’s instead of 36 ATP’s via the Krebs cycle (Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA)). Cancer cells consume most of the glucose in the body, thereby starving the healthy cells.

In healthy cells, glycolysis is carried out in the cytoplasm and only produces 2 ATP’s. Pyruvate is the end product of glycolysis, and under aerobic conditions, it enters the mitochondria to be oxidized to acetyl CoA which combines with oxaloacetate to start the Krebs cycle to make 36 ATP’s.

Since most cancers use glucose and some use the amino acid, glutamine as their source of fuel, it is important to limit their intake of food. Too much dietary protein can turn into glucose through gluconeogenesis, stimulate the mTOR pathway and give cancer cells a rich supply of glutamine. Also, elevated insulin from too much dietary protein will adversely affect many biochemical pathways.

Ketogenic diet

Cancer cells are characterized by acidosis, lack of oxygen, increased lactic acid, increased sodium, decreased potassium, edema, increased oncogenes, decreased tumor suppressor genes, deficiency of phosphatidylcholine in cell wall membranes, toxic heavy metals, chemical carcinogens, viral, fungal and bacteria and their toxins, decreased biophotons.

Cancer patients should strive for a fasting glucose below 70 mg/dL. The urine fasting according to Armstrong will do this and Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s ketogenic diet will too, averaging a ratio of 80% fat, 5% carbohydrates and 15% protein. This diet also produces less reactive oxygen species (ROS), which result in less DNA mutations and destruction of fats in the cellular membranes.
Kwasniewski’s ketogenic diet produced nutritional ketosis, not the dangerous diabetic ketoacidosis.

Nutritional ketosis will usually produce ketones not usually above 7 or 8 mmol. In diabetic ketoacidosis, ketones can be over 20 mmol. Additionally, in diabetic ketoacidosis glucose is elevated.

Armstrong’s ketogenic diet produces less reactive oxygen species (ROS), and patients will need less supplemental antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in their diet.

Metastatic cancer should always be treated with multiple treatments. It is foolish to expect one treatment to be enough to give long-term survival.
Multiple individually effective treatments should act synergistically. Suppose treatment A confers 10 units of benefit, and treatment B the same. Expect the two treatments together to result in, say, 25 units of benefit. All of our protocols are non-toxic, and they also work for most chronic diseases, even many acute diseases.

Cancer patients typically only find helper treatments. Chemotherapy (with some exceptions) is basically a low-quality helper treatment. Immunotherapy is a higher quality helper treatment. Radiation therapy is mainly a palliative treatment.
Natural therapies are typically higher quality helper treatments, with Avemar probably the best.

  1. We are using a urine fast as developed by Armstrong2. This is our most important therapy for curing cancer and most non-genetic diseases. My Colleague, Zoli Hargitai, NMD and our patient cured themselves of bilateral cataracts with a nine-day urine fast. This paper will not discuss the hundreds of disease that urine fasting cures.
  2. Our second most important protocol is the Optimal Diet. developed by Jan Kwasniewski, M.D. of Poland. I have used this diet for years on myself and many patients. This is the only diet on earth that cures most non-genetic chronic diseases. It is a ketogenic diet with a ratio of 1 part protein, 2.5-3.5 parts fat and 0.3-0.5 parts carbohydrates. Cancer patients must strive to be at 3.5 parts fat and 0.3 parts carbohydrates. Atkins with his many books on the Atkin’s diet was very disappointed that his diet never cured cancer. His diet had too much protein for cancer patients. The excess protein would turn into glucose through gluconeogenesis. Also, it would active mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) pathway which can “feed” cancer.
  3. We use Intravenous vitamin C at 100 grams to 200 grams a day. I have easily tolerated 300 grams a day when I had the flu. High doses of vitamin C turns into hydrogen peroxide. Cancer cells have difficulty eliminating hydrogen peroxide because they lack catalase enzyme. The Linus Pauling Institute in Oregon has plenty of published papers on vitamin C being a treatment for cancer. My veterinarian colleagues use IV vitamin C on their cancer patients.
  4. Dr. Beard discovered a cure for cancer over 100 years ago using pancreatic enzymes. He used the pancreatic enzymes trypsin, chymotrypsin, and amylase intramuscularly and intravenously, and cancer cells were destroyed; the cancer stem cells would often time revert to normal stem cells. The placenta has many characteristics of cancer, and he found that at 6 weeks gestation, the fetus makes enough pancreatic enzymes to prevent the placenta from invading any further, and the enzymes would stop the growth of the placenta. We use his protocol on all cancer patients.
  5. Low dose Naltrexone from 1.5 mg to 4.5 mg at bedtime helps boost the immune system to cure or potentially slow the progression of cancer.
  6. Intravenous phosphatidylcholine comprises 50% of our cell membranes at birth7. My medical school professor, Bruce Lipton proved that the cell membranes aren’t just a piece of cellophane with ion channels. He proved that they actually control the turning on and off nuclear DNA. His book, “The Biology of Belief”8. is a great read. He has many YouTube videos which explain this. The IV phosphatidylcholine has additional benefits in treating atherosclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and many diseases.
  7. Major Ozone Autohemotherapy is in a class of healing by itself. Ozone is bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal, and its byproduct is oxygen. It stimulates the immune system, gives oxygen to cells, and destroys cancers.

Our helper therapies, which can also be potentially curative therapies include:

    • Exercise breathing in pure oxygen (EVOT)
    • Herbal and mushroom extracts
    • Kalanchoe

We also use EDTA and DMPS chelation and mitochondrial nutrients such as CoQ10, Acetyl Carnitine, and R- Lipoic Acid, Artemisin. Selenium, germanium, and cesium are in our protocols.

We can argue that all of our 8 “potentially curative” protocols are correcting nutritional inadequacies.
The urine fasting replaces the body with 95% structured water (EZ water, Biological water), hormones, hormone metabolites, activated minerals and activated vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, organic acids, proteins, cancer antigens, bacterial, viral and fungal antigens, etc.
Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s ketogenic diet is self-explanatory when you read his book, “Homo Optimus.” The body prefers ketone bodies as its source of fuel over glucose. His ketogenic diet supplies the body with the correct ratios of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
High dose vitamin C is correcting a vitamin C deficiency which the body needs to kill cancer and protect itself from cancer and infectious organisms.

The pancreatic enzymes are supplying the body with enough enzymes to eradicate cancer. As we age we need more hydrochloric acid and pancreatic enzymes to digest our meals.

The rectal THC suppositories are correcting a deficiency in our endocannabinoid system. As we age, we get deficient in endocannabinoids. THC closely mimic our natural endocannabinoids. The endocannabinoid system is the main regulatory system in the body.

Low dose naltrexone stimulates the immune system to seek out, isolate and tag cancer cells. As we age, our immune system declines. We cannot at this time relate this drug to a nutritional inadequacy.

Intravenous phosphatidylcholine restores the cell membranes to youthful levels. It helps remove atherosclerotic plaque and helps neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.

Major ozone autohemotherapy restores the body with oxygen while stimulating the immune system and killing infectious organisms.

Heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and environmental toxins interfere with nutrients entering cells. Heavy metals have a higher binding coefficient and prevent enzymes from being activated.

This is a new paradigm in treating cancer. The current model has failed, and it is time to take a fresh look on how to treat cancer. Our treatments work! This is the bottom line. They are inexpensive and no toxic drugs are used. So far, I do not know of any therapy that works better than our protocols in curing cancer. If one had to use just one therapy to cure cancer, it would be urine fasting according to Armstrong. This therapy alone cures most acute and chronic diseases.

1. Book – “The Cancer Biopathy” by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.
2. Book – “The Water of Life” by John W. Armstrong
3. Book – “Homo Optimus” by Jan Kwasniewski, M.D.
4. PDF – “The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and Its Scientific Basis” by John Beard, D. Sc.
5. Book – “Phoenix Tears the Rick Simpson Story” and “Nature’s Answer for Cancer” by Rick Simpson
7. YouTube – “Health, Cell Membranes and Phosphatidylcholine” by Ed Kane
8. Book – “The Biology of Belief” by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
9. International Ozone Association

No part of this blog may be reproduced in any form without written permission. The content on this blog was written by Jake Ames, MD, HMD and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment by your primary physician.