What is Holistic Health? It is a state of true, balanced, self-fulfilling well-being. It is defined by you and you alone. You know you are “healthy” as a whole when you feel at peace with your body’s physical, emotional, psychological, and energetic planes of existence. But in practical terms, how does one get to that point and maintain it? One way is by showing you in our 2-minute video right now the simplicity and benefits of drinking alkalizing lemon water for holistic health.
In addition to being fantastically delicious, drinking lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach presents MAJOR health boosts on a physical, psychological, and energetic level. These posts explain more about the benefits of drinking lemon water for health and alkalizing your body.
BOOST your health with alkalizing lemon water
1-2 Lemons (any size, any color)
(1 pinch) Himalayan Salt
(1 pinch) Turmeric
(1 pinch) Cayenne Pepper
For this month, drink a fresh glass of alkalizing lemon water in the morning at least 3 times per week. Notice your energy levels, see how your skin feels, how your breathing feels, and how your mood improves. If you want the keep these positive changes, you must keep the positive habits. Simple arithmetics. Aristotle put it best:
“We are what we repeatedly do.”
– Aristotle
After the first 2 weeks of drinking alkalizing lemon water in the morning, you will wonder why you have never felt so good in your life. Then, you’ll remember these 2 buttons with the next step for you to harness the power of true health on your terms:
Find out more.
Download our free eBook: The Ultimate Guide To Holistic Medicine.
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To your health,
Zoli Hargitai and the Holistic Bio Spa team of medical professionals in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
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